This is how I got 517 visitors in 25
days to my brand new website

I started from scratch

Amine Khaoui
2 min readJun 12, 2024
Traffic for

To be clear, I know that 517 visitors in 25 days might not seem like much to some of you, but remember, this is a brand-new website, and I started from scratch.

I’m sharing my experience to help those who are just starting out and struggling to attract visitors to their websites.

If you look at the image above, you’ll see I had three spikes in traffic. These spikes resulted from publishing content on platforms like Reddit and IndieHackers.

I simply share stories about my successes and failures with these communities. For example, my last Reddit post detailed my failed Product Hunt launch, which still brought in a few visitors.

Think about the stories you have that could interest people in your product. Maybe it’s the day you made your first dollar online, sold your first product, or learned a crucial skill.

Everyone has interesting stories that people love to read. Share them on platforms like Reddit, Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. And if it’s relevant (this is key), mention your website in the post. Don’t mention your website if it’s not relevant because people hate spam.

Do this regularly, and you’ll see your traffic grow.

